PaPa and Mummy have a different school of thoughts when it comes to introducing languages to Caden, he heard that we should teach him Chinese first, since he will be overly-exposed to English when it comes to nursery and school times. However, Mummy feel that becos schools are using english all the time, then all the more Caden should grasp the ability to speak and understand English language first before taking up Chinese..
I will never stop my mother-in-law to speak Teochew or Mandarin to Caden because I think he should be exposed to his dialect language as well, othewise, he will turn out to be like me (can understand easy Teochew but not speak at all!). Today, as Caden was watching his fav Barney show on TV, I was asking him to count the no. of houses in the show.. he started counting them in Mandarin!! And miraculously, he only missed a few numbers in between, but he managed to finished from 1-10!! I have not taught him this before, and certainly not PaPa as well... he must have picked this up from his Grandma...
At this stage, we better speak proper sentences to him, otherwise, he wouldn't have a good foundation in his language..