Daddy and Mummy are usually busy with work, but each day we are trying to fulfill our roles as first time parents to make our children lives enriching...and starting a blog for our children ensures that these lovely memories are well-remembered..
Monday, June 25, 2007
Caden has been very polite nowadays, it warms my heart when he said "Sorry Mummy" to me without expecting from him. One instance that happened over the weekend was when he was playing his masak masak as usual, he accidentally hit my arm with his toy pan, he quickly "sayang" me and said, "Sorry mummy" till I have acknowledged his apology... and he usually delivers it in such a sweet manner!
Mummy's Gastric Flu
Mummy had a bad gastric flu over the weekend starting on Friday evening. She started throwing out all her lunch food along the bridge of boat quay on her way to meet PaPa after work. Thereafter, she had no appetite to eat her dinner at Mum's pl and only took a few slices of apples.
Subsequently at night, she threw out all the apples that she took and even the fluids that she consumed. She threw out again in the middle of the night and the situation persisted the following day on Sat. She literally vomitted all her food intake including water and 100 plus and she was as tired as how Caden was last weekend.
On Sunday, she decided to see the GP downstairs for some quick remedy as our Gynae is not opened on Sundays, then she called our Gynae to confirm the medication prescribed is safe for consumption during pregnancy.. subsequently this med helped miraculously and she is fit for work today (which is a bad news cos she actually has got an MC to cover her), but her conscience tells her not to take adv of the MC to pretend to be sick, resting at home! (so its the Bank's good fortune to hire her!!)
Subsequently at night, she threw out all the apples that she took and even the fluids that she consumed. She threw out again in the middle of the night and the situation persisted the following day on Sat. She literally vomitted all her food intake including water and 100 plus and she was as tired as how Caden was last weekend.
On Sunday, she decided to see the GP downstairs for some quick remedy as our Gynae is not opened on Sundays, then she called our Gynae to confirm the medication prescribed is safe for consumption during pregnancy.. subsequently this med helped miraculously and she is fit for work today (which is a bad news cos she actually has got an MC to cover her), but her conscience tells her not to take adv of the MC to pretend to be sick, resting at home! (so its the Bank's good fortune to hire her!!)
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Tummy Upset
Caden is seriously down with bad tummy upset since last night. He threw out his dinner in the evening and threw out again at 9pm from his 8plus milk feed. Subsequently, he vomited the third time from his 1030pm milk feed and we decided not to give him any more milk thereafter.
He woke up at 3am in the morning and asked for milk, after drinking 1 oz, he threw out again.. then we just let him sleep off till 640am when he asked me for another round of milk. This time round, probably he was still in a sleepy mode, he managed to keep the milk down after drinking the 4oz and slept till 9am..
Subsequently, we brought him to Dr Sim in the morning and was diagnosed to have a bad tummy ache, he could hear churning sounds in the tummy.. Caden was so tired and drained from all the vomiting and made him so sleepy. In the end, he slept from 12pm till 5pm without any milk...
Caden then threw out again at 6pm after his milk feed and this time round, he LS.. which Dr Sim have pre-empted us... its quite painful to see him so tired and kept wanting to lie down on the sofa, didn't want to do any activity, just closing his eyes to rest.. we tried to give him milk again at 7plus after his medication and he came down with slight fever as well.. after the milk feed, he dozed off on the sofa and we reckon that this will be the only meal and last meal for the night..
Hopefully he will be at least up and running by tomorrow otherwise, he will be seriously dehydrated since he kept vomiting all the inputs into his body...
He woke up at 3am in the morning and asked for milk, after drinking 1 oz, he threw out again.. then we just let him sleep off till 640am when he asked me for another round of milk. This time round, probably he was still in a sleepy mode, he managed to keep the milk down after drinking the 4oz and slept till 9am..
Subsequently, we brought him to Dr Sim in the morning and was diagnosed to have a bad tummy ache, he could hear churning sounds in the tummy.. Caden was so tired and drained from all the vomiting and made him so sleepy. In the end, he slept from 12pm till 5pm without any milk...
Caden then threw out again at 6pm after his milk feed and this time round, he LS.. which Dr Sim have pre-empted us... its quite painful to see him so tired and kept wanting to lie down on the sofa, didn't want to do any activity, just closing his eyes to rest.. we tried to give him milk again at 7plus after his medication and he came down with slight fever as well.. after the milk feed, he dozed off on the sofa and we reckon that this will be the only meal and last meal for the night..
Hopefully he will be at least up and running by tomorrow otherwise, he will be seriously dehydrated since he kept vomiting all the inputs into his body...
Thursday, June 14, 2007
My active baby
Baby 2 has been very busy kicking in my tummy recently, in fact, as early as week 16, I could feel his movements. Maybe, as a second time Mummy, I am more sensitive to the movements in the tummy as compared to the period when I was carrying Caden.
Baby 2 likes to keep me awake especially at the point that I retire on the bed to have a good night's rest. Sometimes, it really hard to get to sleep due to his super-duper activeness but probably I have been working late for the past few nights, it somehow makes things easier becos I was really tired!
Baby 2 has also made me ugly, my skin condition has deteriorated in the past 2 weeks to the extent that my face is now scaly. When I was carrying Caden, I swear that it was the best moment in my life as I was pimple-free and glowing! But this time round, I am not sure if its the hormone medication that I am currently on is the reason behind, but I just hope that baby 2 is fine inside as this is more impt to me that my outlook for now...
However, it is a great feeling once again to experience the feeling of a little life actively swimming in the tummy... it always makes me feel that life is really amazing!
Baby 2 likes to keep me awake especially at the point that I retire on the bed to have a good night's rest. Sometimes, it really hard to get to sleep due to his super-duper activeness but probably I have been working late for the past few nights, it somehow makes things easier becos I was really tired!
Baby 2 has also made me ugly, my skin condition has deteriorated in the past 2 weeks to the extent that my face is now scaly. When I was carrying Caden, I swear that it was the best moment in my life as I was pimple-free and glowing! But this time round, I am not sure if its the hormone medication that I am currently on is the reason behind, but I just hope that baby 2 is fine inside as this is more impt to me that my outlook for now...
However, it is a great feeling once again to experience the feeling of a little life actively swimming in the tummy... it always makes me feel that life is really amazing!
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Spiderman Live Show!

Today is Mummy's gynae appointment at Mt E. We decided to park at Ngee Ann City to have breakfast at Mac's before the visit to the Doc. To our surprise, we found out that there is a Spiderman Live show and Meet and Greet session happening at the Atrium.
Caden was all excited to see the whole atrium filled with toys and Spiderman's statues around. We had to coax him to leave the viewing panel in order to proceed for breakfast. After the Doc's visit, we headed back to Ngee Ann City again to catch the 1pm show.
Luckily we managed to get seats 5mins before the show starts. Caden quietly sat there in anticipation for the Spiderman to appear. Before the Spiderman appeared, the host played a series of Q&A to give out small souvenirs to the children who got the answers right. During this session, Caden put up his hand with the rest requesting to be called up the stage! (despite not understanding that he has to answer the qns!)
Finally when the Spiderman appeared, Caden watched the whole performance quietly and participated as well, as the Spiderman demonstrated how to perform some of the simpler stunts. We reckon that he is the youngest amongst the crowd but enjoyed the most as he stood up to follow what Spiderman did.
After the show has ended, those children inside the confined area will get a chance to have their photographs taken with the Spiderman, we were so proud of Caden as he went up the stage alone to have a picture taken with his fav character!

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