I have more problems surfaced as the days of my confinement go by. My original confinement lady(CL) had been sick due to her menopause and she got a stand-in friend to help me with confinement temporary for a few days after my hospital discharge. However, she called me recently and said she couldn't come to my service as she was hospitalised. This stand-in CL has another assignment to attend come mid-Nov and couldn't finish off my assignment. Anyway, I wasn't keen to have her service due to her
hygiene problem. Luckily, my good friend, LF came to my rescue when she helped me to contact her CL and asked if she is available to continue with my confinement come this week. And to our delight, she happened to be available in Nov and doesn't mind coming to help out for the next 2 weeks before my confinement is over.
My pregnancy hormonal rashes is another persisting problem. I have seen a dermatologist last week and he said I belong to the minority 5% of the pregnant women who has it after the delivery of the baby. At this point, my hands and legs and other parts of the body looked like they have been burned to "x" degree and charred. The Doc said that slowly these will fade, it is just a matter of time depending on my recovery rate which varies from individual to individual.. They have been a cause for my sleepless nights due to the itch. I am also worried that I can't recover on time when I get back to work come Jan next yr. For those who have visited me so far stared at my skin condition in disbelief and commented that its really bad!!!
This is how bad it looks on my lower part of the legs..

My C-section wound is still hurting at this point.. hopefully it will go in another 2 weeks time at most, otherwise, I will have to go back to my gynae to find out if everything is ok.
Despite all these that have happened, despite my tiredness from breastfeeding efforts, I am still coping well mentally in this period. I have not had a smooth-sailing childhood, but I have subsequently been blessed with a doting hubby, 2 wonderful boys and constant luck in getting problems resolved.. hence, no matter how bad any problem is, the most impt thing is to count your blessings so that you will enjoy every single bit of life to the fullest...