Daddy and Mummy are usually busy with work, but each day we are trying to fulfill our roles as first time parents to make our children lives enriching...and starting a blog for our children ensures that these lovely memories are well-remembered..
Monday, December 31, 2007
Goodbye 2007 and Hello 2008
With 2008 approaching in just an hour's time, we hope that it will be a better year for us, with fat bonuses, good increment, better work-life balances, etc. Our new year's resolution is to discipline Caden well this coming year and spend time with Ethan so that we will not miss any important milestones of this first year.
Breastfeeding notes
Although we decided to "close production" after Ethan's birth, I thought documenting down this for further reference if my friends were to seek my advice (as I couldn't help much when my friends asked me abt the experience previously since I suffer from short-term memory all the time).
For breastfeeding to be successful, I have done the following:
1) Opting for total BF in hospital to stimulate production, if baby is not peeing often-he's not getting enough fluids from you, ask nurse to feed glucose through cup
2) milk will come in Day4 after brith, engorgement will be experienced, it is advisable to express out the milk to relieve and stimulate more production. Subsequently few days will also experience engorgement, so need to express out after every feed.
3) Latching- very impt know-how, so make sure you learn as much as possible from the nurses in the hospital, they are able to guide you the correct way. With correct latching, milk comes on faster and baby won't be frustrated with drinking.
4) Try to express approx 10mins after every feed, to stimulate more production
5) Drink lots and lots of water,and have plenty of rest = more milk. Fish soup helps too.
6) Try to direct feed in the first month in the middle of the night feeds, as baby is more alert this time and his suction is more powerful.
7) Don't be stressed over insufficient milk, its ok to supplement in the beginning if baby cries for milk, but I dilute the formula so that baby won't be hooked on that (formula milk is sweeter).
8) I take GNC's Fenugreek, it helps in better milk production, so if your supply is low, can try this, will continue to take this as long as I'm BF. I think it will be very helpful when I return to work soon. For nutrition, drink Anmum and Neurogain pills for good brain development for the child.
Enjoy the process, it is lots of hard work and perseverence but I am sure you will be happy that you have come through this far once you get the milk coming..
My storage of milk from these 2 months.. hopefully can last till Ethan is 6 months old on exclusive Breast milk..
Sunday, December 30, 2007
The Cane
Today at Grandma's place in Hougang, PaPa decided to get the canes from the market to place them at home as a threat to Caden should he not listen to us next time.. let's see when will he be caned for the first time!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Sleeping through the night
Ethan did not wake up for feed last night, although he started fussing abit from 330am. Mummy stuffed the pacificer into his mouth and he was satisfied. Subsequently, he fussed again at 430 and 530 am, and pacificer worked for these time-slots, then he started fussing again at 6am, and Mummy thought it is time for him to drink since the last feed at 11pm..
Hopefully, he continues to be so obedient and not demand for any milk in the next few days..
Monday, December 24, 2007
Our 2 month old Ethan
Friday, December 21, 2007
Caden's first movie

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Ethan's first month cupcakes
Mango and Zara sale
Monday, December 10, 2007
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Barney's Christmas Star
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
A cold rainy Wednesday
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Lazy Sunday morning
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Mummy C-section wound
P/S: to all my friends who are reading this, pls do consider carefully before u opt for voluntary C-section.. it sure has more complications compared to a natural delivery..