During their free time, I try not to get the boys hooked on tv programmes and cultivate an interest in reading, drawing, playing music or do other plays (current favorite is some imaginary stories they build while lazing on their beds).
Ethan is the more diligent boy lately as he often picks up books to read in his spare time (which were intentionally placed out there in the living room within their line of sight). It helps if we don't get the tv switched on often at home - a BIG cooperation is required from their father!
Caden on the other hand prefers to fiddle with his lego and do drawing instead.. possibly he gets really lots of written assignments from me during the weekdays.
So basically, we try to watch selective programmes during their rest periods. When I am cooking dinner, they get to catch up on children's programme on okto. After dinner, if there are no revisions required, we allow them to watch some other programs from animal planet, news, etc. During the recent school holidays, they get to follow the Chinese drama series "world at your feet" which I find it less contentious and fairly appropriate for them to understand the spirit of working hard and teamwork (the current screening of chinese drama series is definitely a no-no! ). I hope this interest in reading is kept strong for the next few years!
After dinner, on a Saturday night |
During school day, one afternoon |
At a closer range -and actually he fell asleep! |