1) Part-time work
My part-time arrangement with my existing organisation got a bit out of my control. Eversince I was tasked to take back on as a team lead role, I have been working even in the afternoons and evenings when I am back home (so technically these services are rendered to the orgn for free)! I even had to prep myself to write the presentation speeches as I was expected to do senior mgt presentation despite my part-time status.
2) Preparation for my interviews
I have to do lots of reads to prepare for my prospective career switch.. and they turned out to be helpful eventually as I passed those few rounds of interviews.
3) Term 3 exams
I squeezed time to go through conceptual points with the boys during their term 3 exam weeks.
4) Driving
Given that potentially I may need to drive in my next role, I have been taking time to practise every weekend.
Whilst I must say that I have been squeezed for time in the last 2 months, and I honestly think the boys don't have my attention at home, but at least, I am still there in the house for them when they need to speak to me.. it's still not so bad after all. Nonetheless, since I am changing my job to a 3 day work week come Nov, hopefully the new arrangement works out better for the family.