We reached the going-to-wed couple's place ard 2pm, right after Caden's lunch. Very nice environment, Papa was already drooling over the bikini babes at the poolside when we arrived at the carpark and can't wait to get to swim with them (taking ah boy as an excuse !!! ). Caden doesn't seem to like swimming anymore as he kept clinging on the papa in the pool. We brought him out of the pool after abt 10mins and decided to let him walk ard the pool instead. Both Papa and mummy realised that uncle michael seems to like children alot and decided to let him babysit during our stay there.. kekeke...
When its time to roll on the new bed, we had to take his biscuits and bun and place them onto the bed so that he will crawl around to reach for it.. after the "ceremony" has ended, Aunty Glory gave Caden an angbao for his services. Wah, if only we have more of this lobang then his education fund can grow faster..Caden seems to have a fun time playing ard the house after he has warmed up and walk ard and play with uncle michael..
Uncle michael bringing him up to the bed for a second time to fully utilise Caden's presence on the bed..

Caden, feeling more at ease with uncle michael's company..

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