For the past 2 weeks, we have trained him to sleep on his own, ie, without having our company when he's trying to get to sleep at nights.. in the past one of us has to be by his side on the bed when he tossed and turned to sleep.. lately, mummy decided to enforce this new discipline on him in view to transfer him to his own room when he turns 2. So this is the first step to independence at night.. and it works!!! and leaves PaPa and mummy more time for ourselves at night nowadays..
Caden has also started to appreciate his leap frog learning pad recently.. he enjoys it when the books reads some simple words as he presses them.. one of the pages made him chuckles alot as it reads,"B!" . Mummy is so glad that this birthday present hasn't gone to waste..

Getting distracted while learning his abc..

And definitely when it comes to food... he has already understand how to sit in his own chair feeding his own breakfast on his own while watching his fav programme on TV - Barney!!

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