Caden was so excited with the room as soon as we reached the resort in the afternoon. He was running and exploring around while PaPa went to park the car and Mummy was busying unpacking the clothes and toiletries out from the luggages. He took the internal phone, pretending to call someone.. climbing up and down the small sofa.. opening all the drawers within his reach and messing up our stuff in the luggage as Mummy unpacked.

We headed down to the swimming pool as the weather was good (cos the weather forecasts for the next few days were predicted to be thunderstorms). Caden was so afraid of the water and refused to go into the pool.. It took us a while to bring him in, with the help of his ball and some toy pails. Subsequently he was warmed up by some other children in the pool and was willing to walk on his own. But most of the time, he was clinging on tightly to one of us..
Caen got bullied by this ang moh boy who poured water on his face!

Luckily for us, Caden was still able to adapt well even when he was home away, he could still take his usual morning naps, eat his solids without me having to prepare porridge, removed his bowels everyday and slept through the nights in a foreign place (but only with us, not in the cot, cos it was too small).. we were very proud of him..
Morning nap, with PaPa..

Eating out with us in a deserted restuarant at the ferry terminal (cos we wanted to watch the musical fountain after dinner)

One of the rare occasions on the bus..

Bedtime story telling as usual..

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