His favorite and most responsive segment was when the teacher sings," I roll the ball to Caden (she rolled to him), and Caden rolls the ball to me (then he will rolled back to her). " While the rest of the tods need their parent to help.. Some pictures painstakingly taken as Caden always get so distracted with one of us who was taking the photos..
Getting imaginative with a scarf, Caden likes to play peek-a-boo with it...

Usually Caden is one of the first few students who cannot wait to return the instruments back to teacher - likes to impress and be praised!

Playing with musical instruments

Time to listen to some animals sounds

Getting distractive and wondered off to play with PaPa

Graduated with a certificate..

A graduation class photo

PaPa's favorite gal in the class cos she is always so obedient and gentle..

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