Hence our good Friday holiday were left with Ethan's company at home as Mummy is also down with cough. Ethan had a long nap during late morning so the entire afternoon he was up and runnning and super active with all the games that he can find and see. We played lego, badminton, basketball (he is so good with this now and can shoot when the net is hang up at the highest window panel in our house) and hide-and-seek.
While we were playing hide and seek, it's easy to track down Ethan as he always choose to hide in the same old spot in my room. When it's his turn to be the hunter, he couldn't find me, so he went round the house, calling, "Mummy, Where are you??" and even had to asked my maid the same question even when she was in the kitchen preparing dinner.
Can't describe why but it's heartwarming to hear my son calling out for me, sounding worried as he called out "where are you". Ethan's articulation has improved recently and we can understand what he wanted to tell us now most of the times. He can drive the Little Tikes car around the house and say goodbye to me while explaining that he's going to punggol plaza to buy fish and chicken!
I bet his fav question all round is "Can I drink Yakult?"
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