Mummy booked 3 tickets for all of us to watch the 3-D Toy Story 3 movie today at GV Marina via her bank's recreation club offer (priced at $7 while the original price is $14).

This is Ethan's maiden movie and our first 3-D show (conincidentally Caden's virgin movie also happened when he was 2 yrs and 8 months old - Alvin and the Chipmunks). We were fairly nervous that he may not be able to stay long enough or be able to focus through the show, coupled with the need to wear the 3-D specs. But surprisingly, Ethan has managed to stay still throught the whole show except for a part where the toys were in the fire dump.
The movie was so interesting and heartwarming for Ethan to feel afraid on the scenes played. He didn't show any signs of fear when the lights were dimmed. So the verdict now is we can watch movies together as a family going forward!
Caden's all-time favourite: Buzz Lightyear

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