It is really upsetting for me to watch the damages that were being done to my favorite holiday getaway - Japan. On 11th March 2011 (Friday), I received an sms from ah lou telling me abt a 8.9 magnitude quake that has just happened in Sendai. And shortly after, we heard a 10m high Tsunami hit Miyagi Perfecture.
When the images are played on Saturday's news channel, we were hard hit with the true facts that many people close to our home are left homeless, missing, dead and orphans. Japanese citizens who escaped from this disaster still look calm and patient, despite not having enough food and water given that their place called home were destroyed. And even aftershocks with magnitudes of 7 and above are still happening.
Part of the reason why we were paying our 80% attention on the quake updates on Sat and Sun was that we had already scheduled for a trip to Tokyo in mid-April for a 2 weeks holiday in celebration for Caden's birthday and also our last chance to travel during non-school holiday season before he starts Primary 1 next year. With the understanding on the nuclear plants are also facing a meltdown at this point (ie, radiation leak), we will cancel the trip and most likely will not think about postponing. What we lost on our end is most likely the full cost of the 4 round trip tickets, but we are thankful.. and our loss definitely cannot be compared to the emotional tremor and financial losses the japanese locals have experienced in losing their family members and their homes and witnessing the worst crisis that had just happened.
Now all the attention are on the nuclear plants, we really hope that Japan can pull through this quickly and rebuild their homelands for everyone.
This picture touches me..

A four month old baby who survived the Tsunami attack - the soldier was smiling with joy to have found her
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