1) School fees - Ethan's Living Sanctuary School fees are not cheap given that it's a 3 hour session, plus a $110 per month school bus fare and $100 per term computer lesson fee
2) I can read - we just started Ethan on I can read programme too after seeing how Caden benefited from it
3) Berries - Chinese lessons - pre-emptive measures of having the fear that they are not able to catch up with the Primary school pace
4) Piano lessons - Ethan also just started on Yamaha course. Being my childhood dream to learn piano, I hope my boys will excel and I believe this has many intangible benefits on a child
Today, we decided to drop by Kinderfun store in Centrepoint after getting to know about the ergonomic desks and chairs that they are carrying. We were impressed with the design at my brother-in-law's place where they have bought a set for Emma 1.5 years back. Our curent study table in the study room was customed made by our contractor when we first moved in and the height of the table was made to be used by an adult so both Caden and Ethan have not been able to sit there long enough to do their reading or homework. Caden has always been all over the house doing my pre-assigned homework in the last 2 years, we feel that he should have a more designated spot in the house, and be given a more conducive environment to do his homework and in 2 years time to come, to study for his exams. PaPa was more affirmative to buy the set than me (I was still half-hearted given the price tag that comes along)as this helps to correct the posture, which I agree that it is important to have a good start, and the table is adjustable for an adult to use (which means we can maximise this through his education years). The table has a feature where the main panel can be tilted to a certain angle for reading and be placed at 90 degrees for writing. Nonetheless, we went to see-see-look-look today to have a feel of the prices and the models available.
So happens that the store is giving a 20% storewide discount today and ending tomorrow (they call it a CNY promotion), we worked out that we will be saving $420 if we were to buy them today (yes, it's this pricey!) and ah lou was telling me that it's ok to buy now rather that coming to visit the store again and again while waiting for the best deal (which can be $350 discount plus $50 store voucher plus $50 bag voucher). And so, we decided to go with our biggest one-time investment on the kids so far:-
This cost near $600 before the discount

A Germany brand with a humongous price tag

Ah lou was hoping that this will not end up being a white elephant in the house, I reassured him that we can make it work by encouraging Caden to use the table each night when we spend time working through his school work with him.
So this would also imply that I can forget about replacing my living room's lounge chair and doing an upholstery of our current sofa since our finances are relatively tight this year.
And I should also forget about redeeming my nine west shoes on Tuesday (which is the end of CNY) although they have now been slashed by 50%.
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