Monday, May 06, 2013


I was on my scheduled off day on the 30th April (eve of Labour day) and Ethan happened to be resting at home due to a slight diarrhoea.
As I needed to complete some work in the morning, Ethan quietly sat beside my workstation and picked up one of the books from the book shelf and started reading to himself..
It was a comforting sight as he had not asked to play my smartphone and managed to look as though that he enjoyed reading that smurfs book..
See the expressions:

I hope that as he recognise more words at this stage, he will cultivate the love of reading..

(fingers crossed)

Caden's 8th birthday celebration with classmates

Caden's birthday falls on a Sunday this year, and for the longest time, we agreed to host a mini party on Saturday evening. I had to first help him design a birthday card for him to distribute to his classmates. Our condition to him was to limit the no of invitees to a maximum of 8 children, including himself and Ethan (so that leaves him 6 to invite!).

Although the original intention was to invite 6 of his classmates, Caden decided to include both his cousins in the party as well, despite knowing that he will only get to invite only 4 classmates. Subsequently as there were no confirmation given by 2 of his classmates' parents, we allowed him to extend the invite to another of his classmate during the week.

Somehow, the party ended up with 11 children as some of them brought their brothers along and the non-confirmed kids turned up.. although the crowd was more than what we had expected but it turned out quite manageable.

Night before, little brother helping to pack the party packs:

His happy look upon receiving his long awaited gift

With his best friend, Jesper

Cousins dropped by for an hour of play

All set for the Nerf war

Dinner time
With his all-time favourite mango cake
beloved  brother
We asked his class monitor, Elijah to take this picture for us

With all his guests, excluding Jasper and cousins as they had to leave for other appointments
His friends were singing the birthday song and brought out a very cheerful mood

After the cake cutting ceremony, the boys continued with their play and were not keen to go home.. eventually the party ended near 9pm.
Caden enjoyed himself so much that he asked for a same party to be held for his next birthday! Though a simple affair, I am sure that this party will remain strong in his memory in the future...

Saturday, May 04, 2013

Caden's birthday treat at Aquamarine - 28th April

We brought Caden to Aquamarine on his birthday on Sunday night for a treat. Here he gets his favourite food all in a same venue:
  • salmon sashimi
  • sushi
  • pizza
  • salad
  • ice-cream
  • puddings
while we get our doses of lobsters, crayfish and prawns, laksa, sashimi, tempura.. The place wasn't too crowded and it was patronised by mostly non-locals/tourists. Cheeky Ethan kept getting the attention of the captain asking him to serve our dear little boy.

Thumbs up for the delicious food

We took a few pictures around the hotel before leaving the place to aid digestion..

Ethan is giving the funny look again

Caden loves the food, but as usual, so long its delicious food, the ambience is secondary. As we concluded, at our age, we could no longer feast like the times we were in our twenties so buffets are no-go for us in future. It may make more economic sense to spend the money on equally high quality food at a much lower costs.

Happy birthday to my son!