Sunday, August 27, 2006

MMR Vaccination

We brought Caden on tuesday night for his MMR vaccination which was past overdue for almost a month as he was down with persisting running nose when he turned 15th month old. Mummy had also wanted to time this vaccination such that if fever develops, it will probably be over this weekend since all her friends told her that this vaccine will cause fever in only 3-5 days time lapse.

Dr Sim was very impressed with his capability of understanding our instructions in his work room as we told Caden to keep all the toys that he has taken off the play table. Subsequently when Dr Sim inject on Caden's arm, he has only struggled a bit, being held tightly by PaPa. Caden even looked at how the needle got poked into his arm as Mummy failed to distract him. He was braved enough not to shed any tears and was back at his own self playing around the clinic after the jab. Dr Sim commented that he is a brave boy..

True enough, over this weekend, fever came on and yesterday it went as high as 38.8, as this is the first time in Caden's life to have such high fever. He even came down with running nose and bad cough these 2 days which made it worse.. Today we just realised there is a small bump/lump at his right neck area.. hopefully it is nothing serious.. but we'll be seeing Dr Sim tomorrow to check it out..

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