Wednesday, August 16, 2006

My first quiet corner

Mummy has started to enforce her disciplinary actions on Caden on Monday evening when Papa and Mummy returned home from work. Kimi first got punished by Uncle SK as she had bitten Caden on his hand while fighting over toys in the early evening. Uncle SK put Kimi jie jie in the quiet corner as she cried all the way till she was 'released'.. Thereafter, Caden's grandma commented that Caden has also bitten her in the afternoon till it wound turned blue-black. Mummy under the advice of Peggy Gu-Gu and Uncle SK to start disciplining Caden at this age as he has learnt how to understand us.

When I told Caden about Grandma's wound and said that it was a wrong thing to do and I need to punish him by putting him to the quiet corner. Immediately he burst into tears and refused to stand there. After 3 attempts, he finally stood still in the quiet corner crying continuously as well. Everyone in the house were not allowed to look at him and even PaPa. I asked Papa whether to release him after 2mins, he said wait for another min. By the time we asked him to come out, he was already choking on his tears, in the end, he vomited some of his dinner out..

Hopefully he learns his lesson and get to understand better in future what is right and wrong when we tell him..

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