Saturday, December 09, 2006

A walk down Orchard for Xmas Lightings

We decided to bring Caden down to Orchard to view the Xmas lightings along the Wisma to Centerpoint stretch this evening, we started with our dinner at Din Tai Feng in Wisma and Caden guai guai ate his Egg fried rice on his own while we enjoyed our dinner by his side. Caden has improved on his self-feeding skills nowadays which is a gd skill set as Mummy can now eat together with PaPa and Caden, instead of usually being the last to eat after feeding our dear boy full... Tonight he seems to enjoy the Dou Sa Bao most - I guess its because the bun is sweet..

After the dinner, we walked along the Wisma area perdestrant pavement and stopped by a few spots to take some pictures.. its really crowded, now that it is still almost 2 weeks away from Xmas! But subsequently because of a drizzle, we decided to make a U-turn back to Orchard Mrt because we do not want to risk the chance of being caught in the rain.. Caden was anyway already tired as he had leaned on PaPa's shoulder at times..

PaPa has not taken the picture well for Mummy and Caden.. so we are visiting this coming weekend again..

One year ago, when Caden clinches like a koala-bear..

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