For some strange reasons, Caden was down with viral fever since Monday mid-night. Mummy didn't realise that Caden had fever then, until he kept turning and tossing at 12am(which is super-rare behaviour) and then Mummy felt that his head was very hot. When we measured his temp, it was 39deg! We prescribed our backup fever medicine on him and thought his fever will come down fast. But instead of improving, he vomited as well. We rushed him to Dr Sim again first thing in the morning and he diagnosed that Caden was down with Viral fever and pre-warned us that it will worsen as it gets by.
Consequently, in Day2 night, his temp went up to 40deg throughout the night and he even "lou sai" one big time. We rushed him to Dr Sim again, because he kept complaining about stomach pain and not even had any food for the whole day- even water.. it was quite heart-breaking to see him so tired and weak each day. His fav phases for these few days are," don't want", "stomach pain pain". Hopefully he will get well soon!
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