Ethan loves to stick out his tongue nowadays.. don't know what has inspired him, but sometimes it really looks very funny with him doing that out of the blue..
He has now blabbered more, saying words that sounded like, papa, mama, jie jie.. coincidentally, all were family related words, except for kor kor (brother)... Caden laughs when DiDi "talks" in the house cos its quite amusing..
Ethan has been able to sit for a longer period of time, still not independent by himself yet.. and has learnt to hold up his own bottle during milk feed.. as he is approaching 7 months in 3 days time, we have also increased his cereal feed to 2 times a day.. but he is still struggling to finish his milk fo 150ml per feed...
Posing with Caden and struggling to sit up straight..
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