Monday, January 04, 2010

First day of School

Today is the first day of school for Ethan at Tots House and we thought things will go smoothly for him since he has always been very sociable towards strangers. But Mum told us that he actually cried at the beginning upon seeing one of his classmates cried who in turn caused other toddlers to cry as well. In fact he needed my mum-in-law to stay with him throughout the whole session till they break from school. Luckily it was only 1.5 hours session for Ethan daily and we hope he will quickly adapt to this new environment soon.

We had too high hopes for Ethan till both Mum and Dad did not even consider taking the morning off to see through this experience with Ethan...

Caden on the other hand was happy to see his classmates back in his kindergarten today and called me twice today to tell me his new teacher's name...

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