Sunday, September 19, 2010

Books Spree

Today we spent the whole afternoon at Popular Central (Bras Basah Complex) with the intention to expose Caden and Ethan to more books (they have a very comprehensive range compared to the one near our place). Popular is currently having a Children's Day promotion and are giving quite good discounts on some of the books that we are keen in.

Here's what we got:

Robin books - we picked level 2 (200-300 words recognition), which I thought Caden might be able to handle, but had second thoughts when I read it myself at home this evening. (5 for $17.50, usual price @$4.50 each)

Kindergarten assessment books - priced at almost 50% off the original price, can't resist and bought all (@7.90 each, usual price $14.15 each)

I always like EPH series so took another 2 books of English since Caden has been working on Maths and Chinese lately (although Caden is in K1, I usually buy K2 books, also in case we can't finish them by the time he turns K2)- no discount, at $4.30 and $4.90 each

These are the ones I like alot too - Left brain, Right Brain activity books in Chinese which is a way that I can expose Caden to Chinese in an interesting manner. I bought the left brain for 5 years old some time back and he enjoyed it. So we bought the 6 years and 7 years old series - $6.50 each, usual price $8.55 each.

The boys favorite section in the bookshop is the Ben10 comic and coloring books. We bought 3 books in total and were given 20% on them. Ethan was so happy to own his first Ben10 comic book and went round asking us to read to him throughout the whole day.

While I admit that I like to shop, and this is the best way to spend money (on kids' education) rather than bo-bo things like my clothes, shoes and necklaces (in any case, we don't shop for mummy's stuff on weekends).

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