Sunday, January 23, 2011

3 weeks on

Ethan has been in LSK for 3 full weeks. He didn't want to go back to school after Day 1 and it took us quite a lot of effort to get him dress up each morning (one day he wasn't wearing his school uniform!). Since Ethan has been having night terrors on the first week as well, on week 2, I decided to go to the Guan Yin temple near my office to hope for the best. My sis-in-law also counsel Ethan on the same week and told him to guai guai be a good boy and go to school and in return she will get a new toy for him if this is done.

Miraculously, the night terrors stopped and Ethan did not have too much trouble then on.. to be honest, I did not know which actually helped but the objective has been met so let's hope it stay as it is.

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