Sunday, May 08, 2011

Mother's Day

While everyone is still posting opinions on facebook over the electoral results released late hours yesterday.. I hope everyone still remember today is a day that has been dedicated to all mothers in the world.

While I tend to think about my demised mum more on Mother's Day, on her death anniversary and on eve of Chinese New Year, as the years go by, I seem to have moved out of the self-indulged misery mode to a day where I look forward to doing something special with my boys. Caden did up a Mother's Day card for me this year, by doing an elephant megazord sketch (inspired by his love of power rangers megazord models) and comes with a long scripted note in the card which goes "my mummy always play with me, checks on me and she always sleep with me and read story books to me. Happy mothers day. I love you mummy" The last statement just gave me a tinkling feeling in my heart and was really touching. Ethan on the other hand, rushed to show me his card made in school on Friday night when I returned home from work and thereafter said that the card continues to remain in his ownership!

Although we didn't eventually do anything special today (as we are busy booking our holidays online), I suppose today is the day when all mothers who have been through this far (be it 1 month or 40 years) should give themselves a good pat on their shoulders for a great job done. To be honest, it is really not easy to be a good mother to our children given our multi responsibilites, and guide them on the correct paths to contribute to the society eventually.

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