Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day !!

Today is Mother's Day but I woke up having to clean up my son's shit as Pa Pa cannot bring himself to wake up due to late night spent watching his FA Cup finals. In the end, Mummy ended up doing more tasks as usual and even cook up a nice breakfast for the 2 kings in the house..

Caden has recently started to be more vocal, taking our handphones to place it near his ear and mouthed out a word like "hello", and said words like open, there, ball, Mama, Papa.. I think he really means it when he calls out mama and papa..

He has also seems to be closer to his GuGu and Gu Zhang's family, with his cousins Samuel and Kimi and definitely Grandma.. As such, we decided to book a short trip to HongKong to take a short break next week for 4 days. This is because we felt that he will be well taken care and may not know our absence since he has got so much company there at Gu Gu's house. Let's wait and see...

My two Kings in the punggol palace..

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