Saturday, December 01, 2007

Mummy C-section wound

I went for a follow-up check on my c-section with Dr Cheng today. For the past one week, I felt the pain near the wound area becoming more unbearable, esp when I carry Lil Ethan. And the swell near the wound seems to get bigger.. today, Dr Cheng confirmed that I have got inflammation on the 2nd c-section wound and prescribed 2 antibiotics for me to complete. Hoepfully it will subside the pain and the swell and dissolve the pus in the swell. He said that if pus were to appear, I will have to go back to him for a minor insertion op to remove that! Goodness.. I hope not to go through another op again... can't imagine myself having to go thru another round of op and recovering from it.. let's wish for the best for now..

P/S: to all my friends who are reading this, pls do consider carefully before u opt for voluntary C-section.. it sure has more complications compared to a natural delivery..

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