Ethan now weighs 6.1kg and 60.5cm tall, his head circumference is 40.5cm big.. he reacted to the jab with a little cry (when Caden was 3 months old, he did not have any reaction at all!) but stopped crying within seconds. Although he falls short of the 2x his birth weight gain at this stage, we thought that he's slightly bigger in size at his age.. but still his milk intake did not increase from 2 months and still maintain at 4 oz per feed.
Ethan has now started to grab his t-shirt, hanky, or whatever within his reach when he's awake, and create a sharper cry whenever he's fussing. He has successfully sleep through the night since the last update and sometimes we have to wake him up at 630am to give him the first feed of the day. Hopefully it gets easier for us as both Mummy and PaPa are tired from exhaustion to date (that explains for fewer postings..)
Look, my hair has grown and become curlier!
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