Our Lil Ethan turns 6 months old today.. he is still very baby-lish, loves to sleep alot, very quiet baby, cries very loudly when hungry.. recognises his milk bottle at this point. He has also learnt to hold on to his own milk bottle during feed...
His routine has been pretty fixed. 6plus for first milk feed, 9 plus 2nd milk feed, then nap through 2-3hrs, 12 plus for cereal, 2pm for milk feed, then nap through another 2-3hrs, 6plus for milk feed, then abt 8-9pm for last milk feed before he sleeps for the night.
We were browsing through Caden's development when he was 6 months old. Caden has learnt to sit by himself at this stage then. Although Lil Ethan is slower, but we are not too worried.. so long he maintains his healthy state (could be becos of my milk), we'll be happy..
Biting his fav toy of the moment:
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