Mummy was down with bad fever infection late June for 6 days and was on 2 courses of antibiotics to stop the fever and subsequent developed bad cough.
I am not sure if Ethan has thus been infected with my virus as he came down with consistent fever over the last 3 days. It started on Thurs night when he kept crying in the middle of the night and Mummy has been tasked to sponge him after we fed him with the fever medicine. It was a torturing 2 nights experience for both mummy and papa and definitely for Lil Ethan as he battles with the stuffy nose and phelgmy cough on top of his consistently high fever (38degrees and above). He has also constant loose stools to make his ordeal worse.
His temperature only seems to come down today and behaving a little more active than last few days. Hopefully he gets better by tomorrow so we need not bring him to Dr Sim for antibiotics..
Thankfully during this weekend, Caden's ah gu has offered to bring him out together with his cousins Kimi and Samuel to relief our burden of babysitting.. mummy is already exhausted most of the times after practically no sleep at nights to sponge Ethan to bring down his temp and PaPa has been disturbed periodically to help to change diaper and medicine feed..
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