Sunday, March 27, 2011

Piano Graduation

Finally Caden has completed his 2 year course at Yamaha Junior Music Course Fundamental level. I am quite impressed with our determination to see him through these 2 years, although I must admit that I have almost given up on this course for Caden many times in the last 2 years, if not for my friends' advices.

Caden did not seem to display any interest in piano lessons when we first started him at almost 4 years old. Initially we did not have any musical instrument for him to practise at home until we bought a keyboard only after 1st term was completed. Along the way, he had difficulty catching up with his classmates as he is generally the youngest in the class and we did not instill a proper practicing schedule for him on a weekly basis. It was only until the last half a year, when we decided to leave the keyboard plugged on all the time and put it as a homework for him on 3 times a week, and we gradually see some improvements in his play.

My friends have been advising that music helps to stimulate a child's mind and I can understand that it actually trains his listening skills, concentration span and memory skills. His teacher had also told me that Caden's listening ability is very strong as he is the only child who is able to recognise the chords when she tested the students in the class as part of their learning skills. It was this that made me felt that if we do not continue him with piano classes, it will be a pity to not be able to further enhance his strength that is being identified at this point.

I am not sure how long more would we continue Caden with piano lessons, maybe for as long as he still enjoys (he only started to enjoy when he is able to play along with the class) or probably when he reaches P3..

And as a matter of fact, he did very well in his fundamental exam - Caden has achieved 4 medium stars and 2 big stars in the 6 areas of music abilities' tests

Singing their concert song - Lullaby of Stars

Receiving his graduation certificate from his teacher

Taking a class photo with his friends and teacher. The girl on his left is of the same age as him and he is the smallest in built. The rest are either 1 to 2 years older than him.

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