Sunday, June 09, 2013

2013 LSK sports day - 19th May

We were invited to the annual LSK sports day to give some support for our dear son. He has been keeping the to-do tasks quite secretive and we were not able to fish out what he needs to do on that day.

We made it a point to reach the school earlier this year. But the crowd control traffic officer did not quite manage the queue and we ended up sitting on the second row despite being just within the top 20 range in the queue.

Anyways, I managed to get a clear view from my seat and here's what I could capture using my Note II:

Partner bounced the ball
He dribbled for a distance and bounced back to the next in queue
He entered into the next station and used a bat to hit the target which was hung on a rod

And he got it in his first attempt
He jumped over a hurdle like obstacle:
He then had to balance himself with a balancing board

And lastly did a hula loop with his partner
The sports day event ended quite early that day as there was a fund raising event scheduled. Back in his classroom, the children were doing some fund raising activities for St. Luke Hospital

With his mini-me friends..

We went round the classroom and saw our dear son being nominated by 3 classmates as their best friends

 It's quite a refreshing sight for us to know that he's well-liked by his classmates. We will have one last trip back in this school at the end of the year for his graduation ceremony and year end concert.

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