Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Sentosa Port of Lost Wonder - School Holidays Day 1

On the first day of Term 1 school holidays, we made plans to bring the boys to Port of Lost Wonder (POLW) in Sentosa as the last trip made was quite some time ago. As we had a really late night on Sunday, we only got into this place sometime near noon after our late breakfast in Ya Kun.

The boys were really excited when we reached and it wasn't too crowded. Thankfully, the weather wasn't too hot either so they really had a good time playing.

Papa was dragged into the playground by them as they simply love his company to do the slides together! I had to stay out of water this round as I had a very bad cold...

For 30 Curios (the money given by POLW), they can play in the bubbly foam tub for 20 minutes. Nearer to the time of the activity, a queue was formed as they limit to first 30 children.

waiting excitedly for the bubble foam activity

at the beginning when there are lesser bubbles

After about 10 minutes, the machine started to generate more foam and bubbles and the braver children took turns to stand right in front of the cannon to get a feel of the bubbles splashing on their back... both Caden and Ethan did that:

walking in style

happily coated in bubbles

Caden added a hat on his head

The boys had so much fun in POLW. We thought Caden might have outgrown this, but he enjoyed the company of his younger brother and father thoroughly for the whole afternoon. We left the place only after 3 and a half hours later as they kept asking to play longer in POLW.

I don't know if we are still coming back to POLW again next time given that Caden will turn 10 years old soon.. but this trip has given them some good memories..

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