Saturday, June 06, 2015

School Trip to Peranakan Museum Singapore

A few weeks back, Caden came back home with a consent form asking if he can join his class for a school excursion to Peranakan Museum. I said okay and he then asked if I can be the parent volunteer for this event. Given that this venue is air-conditioned, I agreed to sign up without much consideration.

Somehow, I became so lucky again, and got selected to be the ONLY 1 Parent volunteer (PV) for his class. So on the last day of this semester, I tagged along with his class to the museum =)

The class was divided into 2 groups and I got paired up with their co-form teacher. She has to brief the students as we moved from gallery to gallery in the Peranakan Museum. We covered all 9 galleries within an hour and a half. I particularly loved the Food & Feasting and Weddings galleries, as they have the exhibits of the nyonyaware porcelain and collection of Peranakan beadwork (which was an essential element of their weddings).

The P4 students are very independent so my role as a PV  on that day was rather simple. I just have to be the last person in the group and ensure that no one got lost from the pack. Caden didn't want to stick to me at all throughout the trip (unlike Ethan) and he was working, chatting with his friends in the group. So I felt that I was like a sole visitor to the museum, admiring the artifacts.

at the food and feasting gallery

super candid shot

Student asking questions along the way

this class is so obedient and earnest!

Although we finished the entire tour in 1.5 hours, I was dead tired after the event because we had to climb up and down the stairs in the museum as we moved from gallery to gallery!

Will I sign up as a Parent Volunteer again next time?? Will only consider if the venue is air-conditioned! Tsk..

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