Sunday, May 29, 2016

Founder's Day and Open house - 28th May 2015

Yesterday was Mee Toh school's Founder's day cum open house.  This year, Caden is  one of the prize winners in CCA excellence category (Scouts). So we were invited to attend the event in support of our child.

MP, Ms. Sun Xueling is the guest of honour for the event


It took him 3 days to get involved in rehearsals before this big day.. he must had some fun in school experiencing this ..

After the prize giving ceremony,  Caden partnered up with his classmate, Kesler, to man the Math Booth for the Open House event, as they explained some of the rules for a Math puzzle for those who visited.
It is the first time he represented the school to play the role of an ambassador and represented the Math department. I think he was selected as he's seen as someone ' dependent upon' to carry out the task with his friend.
Both boys had a good time and played their roles well when I stopped over to 'spy' on them.. Ethan obediently stood by the side and guessed his own set of answers..
Getting the participants to guess the sum of all sides of the dice (including the hidden sides)

a shot of their partnership at their booth

It's definitely a good experience for Caden for being involved in the Open House event this year.  One of the rare moments I get to photograph him in his scouts uniform in a school's setting =)

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