Monday, November 12, 2007

Mummy's rash

I just saw my dermatologist on Sat to have a follow-up review on my rash. To my disappointment, Doc told me that my situation is one of the prolong cases that he has encountered as I still have new spots showing. He estimated that these will continue for another 3-4 weeks(for new spots to stop growing) and the pigmentation may take up to months and years to clear.. It was quite sad for me to hear that cos I probably will encounter problems when returning back to work with dark patches on my arms and areas below my knee... which also means, that's no way I can get into shorts again.., as skirts can be very much of a problem too.. no medication can help as these are due to pregnancy hormonal change and it depends very much on how my body reacts to them.. also the only solution is to just bear with the sleepness nites (due to the itch) and ugliness in days/weeks/months to come..

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