Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Caden's half year report card

Since Caden is still in K1 this year, it's not so nerve wreaking compared those parents whose children are in the primary school during this period when it comes to receiving the half year report card from school.

Caden happily showed us his past half-year school work which was compiled by his class teacher and overall summary of his performance in the last half year. There were only 3 types of ratings:

1) S - satisfactory
2) I - improving
3) N - needs help

For all the maths and english related areas, Caden has scored "S" (which I think it's quite comforting) but all his chinese related areas, Caden has gotten an "I" rating. My ah lou reminded me not to be too disheartened as Caden used to have some "N" rating in Chinese areas last year end. So it is considered as an improvement from last yearend.

I went through all the worksheets that he has done in school and was quite glad that the work done in his school, least for english and maths were pretty aligned with the books that I have asked him to work on in his spare time. So possibly this may be the reason why he is able to work on the worksheets in school without too much help from the teacher..

Ethan has also learnt to read some of his favourite books on his own (he memorised all the words!) when we had the time to read to him before his night sleep.

It motivates us to spend more time on the boys in terms of academic aspects since it's starting to show results (although the grading is only 3 simple tiers) and hopefully the boys don't have too much of a problem in their primary years.

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