Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

We had a simple celebration on Sat night at my Mum-in-law's place with pre-ordered food from Wee Brothers and had a get-together with my ah lou's family. As my mum passed away when I was 14, I barely had any memories of how I used to celebrate Mother's day when my mum was around.

Caden and Ethan both gave me an artwork done in school during the week and presented the flower and card to me saying "Happy Mother's Day". While I suspect they probably don't know the significance of Mother's Day but know it's something to do with me, the excited look on their faces as they gave me their artwork lifted my moods...

We went to the beach on Sunday evening at East Coast (the sand was horrid, compared to Gold Coast!) and had an relaxing outing there. My ah lou as usual didn't prepare me with any gift to commemorate this event so naturally this day will be forgotten since I suffer from short memory..


Anyways on both Mother's day and my mum's death anniversary will always trigger my memories of my wonderful mum. I vaguely remembered the days when she brought us out to shopping at Chinatown's OG and those bus rides where there were still bus conductors clipping on your bus tickets and her working at home as a seamstress to support us. The food that she cooked are still one of the best foods I ever tasted and will continue to rank as the top. If only she's still alive and enjoy the company of my 2 sons at present, that will be icing on the cake for my life.

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