Saturday, June 10, 2006

First Shopping trip

No, of course today is not his first day to shop out of his house, its just the first time that Pa Pa and mummy allow Caden to walk around the shopping mall (Compass Point) when mummy is looking to make her spectacles..

Caden was so happy and excited to be walking around the mall for the first time as he kept talking and laughing as he roamed. Mummy decided to settle for one of the optical shops after looking through the specs collections from most of the shops there. As mummy is selecting her specs, Caden was restless in the optical shop and started to be cranky.. Papa had no choice but to bring him out of the shop for a walk. After some time (mummy was done with eye diagnosis and going to settle bill) Papa came back with tons of complaints abt our little darling.. saying that he refused to be carried and wanted to explore on his own, creep ard the floor, when Papa lifted him up, he cried.. rolled himself on the floor.. etc,etc.. sounded quite a nightmare huh??

Tomorow we will attempt to bring him to botanical gardens since now he loves to walk and roam around so much. It should be a child safe place for him to practise walking.. if the weather permits that is..

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