Monday, February 25, 2008

Terrrrrible 2

We often hear stories about the Terrible 2 stage of a toddler, and I thought I was lucky that Caden was a disciplined child since he turns 2 last April. However, this little child of mine went into horrible tantrums lately, especially when he saw how we paid attention to Ethan. Caden loves to negotiate. When we gave him ample time to prepare him for his afternoon nap, eg, after you have finished watching Hi-5, it's time to sleep - he'll say ok. But when the programme finished, he starts to ask for more again or he'll say," I want to play for 5 mins."

We usually don't give in to unreasonable demands or negotiate. It's especially tempting in public to cave in as a way of ending the episode. Often we don't worry about what others think — anyone who's a parent has been there before. By conceding, I know that i'll be teaching him that pitching a fit is the way to get what he wants, and setting the stage for future behavior problems.

So how do we handle this? Put him in the quiet corner for a time-out till he stop crying. then he'll be released and do whatever that we have asked him to do.. Every weekend is chaotic, there is so far no one day he leave us in peace and not put him in the quiet corner. Just hope he'll outgrown this bad behavior problems by the time he turns 3.

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