Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day 11 - 7th June 2012 - Hong Kong - SG

Finally, today is our final day of holiday before we take a flight back to our home. While we were doing our final packing in the hotel, the boys kept themselves occupied with their beyblades. (Brian's family had extended their trip with an additional day)

As I wanted to go back to Miramar Shopping Centre (near Mira Hotel) to buy the shoes which I had eyed on the night before, we made our way towards Granville road for breakfast in the morning.. and ended up in Tsui Wah again!

Ethan gobbled up this macaroni
Unfortunately, the shop's opening hours are at 12noon and we had to leave our hotel to the airport by 1pm so we couldn't stay around the mall to wait for the store to open. Although it's quite a pity but on the flip side, this situation turned out to be a cost saving to my wallet..

Generally we enjoyed HK more than Taiwan primarily because of the shopping experience (plus point is tax-free) and dining choices. It's cleaner and more city-based, possibly because we only spent time in TST and Causeway Bay this time round.. In Taiwan, we went through a lot of train rides, seen a lot of old streets, mountains, suspension bridges, walked a whole lot of stairs, braved through numerous rainy days and got suffocated with stinky toufu.. Actually it's not too bad because of the cultural experience coupled with lots of natural landscape. So this trip is turned out to be quite a good break and bonding time for us.

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