Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Mini refurbishment - Day 1

My school's induction has been postponed to mid-dec so today is the start of my house refurbishment period..

The only task scheduled for today is to hack our 12 year built-in study table and bookshelf to give the study room a whole new look for our growing boys.

It took us 2 days on Saturday and Sunday to run through our stuff parked in this area and threw some of those that were of little sentimental value to me. . A same area like this is enough to kill us!
In total 5 big boxes and 6 A4 boxes
 The guys have changed their schedule to my place to the afternoon so I took the opportunity to clear out my cupboards while waiting for the kids to get off from school.

Thankfully,  a charity organisation happens to be collecting old newspapers and used clothing tomorrow so this works perfectly well on my schedule.

What I have accomplished in 2 hours (including cleaning up all interior cupboards)
To discard
Clothing for donation

Finally. . The table and cupboard were removed. . Left with the attached lamps which will be taken care by an electric technician.  After vacuuming the whole house and mopping,  my day 1 work is done.

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