Thursday, November 13, 2014

Mini refurbishment Day 5 - 7

On Day 5, the painters were back this Tuesday to do toilets, kitchen and all the bedroom doors. It was not as messy that day but the smell of the paint used for the doors were overwhelming that I had to send off my boys to Kimi's place in the afternoon.  The sleep in the night was horrible as we had to live with the smell.

On Day 6, the flooring guys came in to fix up our 4 bedrooms. The time taken was not as long as I have expected (1.5days). They managed to finish their work within 6 hours, including shifting and working around with the heavier furniture like our bed and a wardrobe. In the evening, the PD door group came in to change both our toilets' doors. The glue smell of the flooring haunted us for the night and thankfully I got the boys to sleep in the living room to escape the smell.

On Day 7, we got the Ikea beds and bookshelves in and also re-route the lighting point in the study room to make way for a ceiling fan. The boys enjoyed their new bedroom given that they are able to sleep side-by-side now compared to the bunk bed they had in the past. We will set aside this Saturday to put up some wall decals to personalize their space. The painters were back only at 3plus in the afternoon to continue with 2nd coats for the bedroom doors and main gate.

Gosh, there were still so much to do before I head to the campus next Monday for my training. I only managed to change all bedsheets today and there were still many boxes of stuff to unpack before next Monday.

The last few tasks to see through tomorrow will include installation of ceiling fan, roller blinds, changing of basin and kitchen taps.

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