Monday, November 02, 2009

Work buddy

Normally Mummy doesn't really talk abt her work life in this blog, but today she got to know a co-ex-colleague of hers being discriminated and reprimanded by her boss for getting slower in her work (just because she is pregnant now). Internally I am really disappointed with how this perceived good mgr has treated Mummy's friend, let alone this mgr has gone through tough phase of unsuccessful pregnancy herself.

It is definitely not easy to get preggie, and more so carrying the unborn baby to full term. The first few months of pregnancy is the worse term as the Mummy gets very tired easily and those unfortunate ones (like me) may suffer from morning sickness. To face these physical changes happen at the same time coupled with work demands is definitely not easy and to have a line mgr who is not understanding at all during this critical period is really painful for this friend of mine to face now. I cannot comprehend how the mgr can be so critical to her staff in work when she has contributed so much more prior to her pregnancy. Furthermore, her ex-staff who has since left the bank has suffered a miscarriage before due to work demands and that should be a lesson learnt not to be too harsh and demanding on the team.

This friend of mine has been very upset over the whole incident (of being discriminated by her own boss whom she viewed as her good friend too) and did not even share with her ah lou.. I am glad to get to know this through her and be able to provide her some consoling words since she deemed me as the person who may understand her current situation best. The only way I can help her for now is to keep reminding her to rest more so that her babies can start growing healthy in her tummy - and yes, she is carrying babIES (twins)!!

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